Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This Should Be Spring

I should be walking through green grass just starting to grow,
I should be hearing birds sing old songs that they know,
I shouldn't be trudging through melting snow,
I shouldn't be slipping on ice and... just, NO.

This should be spring.
How disappointing.

I took these pictures almost exactly one year ago:
Ah, how I miss the sweet air of spring. But alas and alack, spring has not sprung where I am from.

:P I'm not discontent, I'm just yearning for the lovely change of seasons that is supposed to happen about now. 
See ya soon raccoon:)


PS: As I am writing this, it has started to lightly snow.

Seriously? It is already lightly covering the porch. It is lightly pretty, but I would rather the light sun, lightly lighting the grass. That's a little light humor for ya;)