Monday, December 10, 2012

In Other News: "I'm Back!" (And Christmas!!)

Hey y'all! 
       My lack of posts is glaring me in the face, but be assured this is not for lack of suitable pictures! The only logical solution for this photographer to pursue would be to post more photographs!
       Yep, I was just doing my English homework... Anyways, I think the problem has been that I have too many photos; they have been sitting in folders on my pc for a month (and I keep taking more!) so I will have several "Themed" posts coming up... 
This should be interesting! Today's post is: C H R I S T M A S !

We just put up our tree and I LOVE it! It's real so it has that beautiful pine-y, woods-y, snowy smell; and it looks gorgeous! Don't believe me? Here's the photos!

Decorating the tree! With the colored lights blurring and the interesting shadows (I accidentally set the aperture at like f/5 so this is a lot darker than I would have liked) this pic does look neat. 
This looks blurry for some reason, even though its not *shrug* It is very noisy, I know!

As everyone must have seen somewhere before: Christmas lights pictures!
I really like the bokeh on this one; it's the Christmas tree lights! These two are my favorites of the post! The colors are Christmas-y and bright, without being obnoxious-ly neon and blinding:)
I know, I'm using a lot a dashes today... 

When we lived in Tennessee, we got some "Tennessee Volunteers"
Christmas  ornaments. 

Almost done...

I'll leave you with this lovely bokeh. And that, my dear followers, is the end of this post.

Wooo! Can't wait till Christmas!