Showing posts with label woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woods. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Week Of Growth

So much happened this past week; it was lovely.

The theme at Camp JIM was "Extreme Renovation" and boy did God renovate ME! I kinda didn't expect that. I was all like, "Yay, I'll work at camp for the first time and help kids!" Ha, I was the one who was helped too:)
I met so many wonderful people, reunited with others, and grew in my faith so much! It was an amazing summer; it seemed to go by in a whirlwind of excitement, hard times to work through, and fantastic Christian fellowship and so many new friendships:) 
I got home and was just tired. Emotionally, spiritually, and physically! But I had FUN. Even through the problems and troubling things, the other counselors and staff were so encouraging:) God taught me SO much and I hope I was able to help others as well!
I'm thanking God for all the people working at camp and praying for them all! 

Allison had tons of fun with my camera and took this picture as well as quite a few other ones that I love;)

I am praying that I'll be able to work next year, too! :D
Later y'all, I'm going to sleep!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This Should Be Spring

I should be walking through green grass just starting to grow,
I should be hearing birds sing old songs that they know,
I shouldn't be trudging through melting snow,
I shouldn't be slipping on ice and... just, NO.

This should be spring.
How disappointing.

I took these pictures almost exactly one year ago:
Ah, how I miss the sweet air of spring. But alas and alack, spring has not sprung where I am from.

:P I'm not discontent, I'm just yearning for the lovely change of seasons that is supposed to happen about now. 
See ya soon raccoon:)


PS: As I am writing this, it has started to lightly snow.

Seriously? It is already lightly covering the porch. It is lightly pretty, but I would rather the light sun, lightly lighting the grass. That's a little light humor for ya;)