My fellow photographers, writers, creators, and readers! It's been quite a long time. Much, much has happened and I won't bore you with the details. ;)
"What's been happening?"
Well, I'm in California for almost two semesters now, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't taken NEARLY as many pictures as I thought I would. Sad. I know.
But, I'll have some of the ones I like! I had forgotten how much I enjoy photography!
Silly me.
These are from last August, right after I stopped blogging and right before I went to college.
I went fishing with my dad and littlest bro:) Good memories and cool cattails!
On the drive to the lake we saw so many hayfields, and I'm remembering how much I love the country. I miss it too. Being in California is interesting and cool, but there's something about the country...
I'm going back through my photos to catch y'all up on my photography and a little bit of my life too. :)
So these are all from my first semester of college! The mountains amaze and intrigue me; they are bare, yet some are green and alive with bushes and little trees. Others are reddish-brown and sandy.
Here's California for ya;)
Joshua Trees! Originally from Israel, but now there are more in California than anywhere else. |
Again, the mountains in the background. I just love them.
Below is a view from behind my dorm. I live on top of a hill and there's a slight rise behind the dorm and it's an excellent place to watch the sunset. Especially with my camera;)
I think I like California, and the sun here. Hehe, and this photo.
Later on in September 2013...
This is the inspiration for Pride Rock! You know, from
Lion King?
It's a place called Vasquez National Park. I went hiking there with a group from church. It was HOT. But totally worth it!
Gives you some more depth... It was huge and steep.
From the top; note the teeny, tiny cars down there. 'Twas an awesome day!
Let's go to the more civilized side of Cali: Beverly Hills! Yeah, I know, what was I doing there? Haha, I was taking photos of my dear friend for her senior voice recital! Exciting, my first "official" portrait session;)
It was really good, and I got some good shots! A very cool setting;) |
We took a school trip to the Getty for extra credit. The Getty is an awesome art museum. It's so full of history and beauty and evidence of man's intellect (and sinfulness) and realizing how many painters and sculptors were Christians was really enlightening. And it's on a hill overlooking Los Angeles. Soo, that was cool too;)
The details and creativity were amazing. I might say that a lot.
And the museum itself was a work of art; its architecture and designs were captivating to me.
Also, the girl at the bottom of this picture in the white jacket may or may not be the most fantastic person I've ever met. Just a sidenote;)
I spent winter break with me familia! And snow...
This was also lovely. :P
Then, back to hotness. Please note the palm trees... I like the palm trees.
I also learned how to play the ukulele. YES. Life goal = Accomplished.
There. Don't you feel better now? I do! Got that photography bug out of my system by sharing it. Ha!
Anyway, I hope to do this more often, but no promises...
So, see y'all around!
P.S. - It's good to be back;)